The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
218 lines
(C) Copyright 1989 Blanchard Software
All Rights Reserved
WORDS*WORDS is a challenging word game that requires careful
logic and a facility with words.
The program selects a five letter puzzle word, and you try to
identify the word in 18 guesses or less. For each word you guess,
the program will tell you how many letters are common to the
puzzle word. It does not tell you which letters match. If you
solve the puzzle, the program displays a quotation based on the
puzzle word.
WORDS*WORDS runs on an IBM PC or clone with color or monochrome
display. It requires one floppy drive and 95k of storage.
First, make a backup copy of the WORDS*WORDS disk. If you have a
hard disk, copy all the files to a directory on your hard drive.
WORDS*WORDS and all of its files must be in the same directory.
NOTE! The first time you run WORDS*WORDS it will create a file
called STFILE.WW1 in the current directory. This file keeps data
for the PUZZLE SELECTION display.
In the discussion below the symbol <Enter> refers to the
"carriage return" or "enter" key. Function keys are identified
with square brackets, as in [F5].
Type WW<Enter> to start the program. The program will display
an instruction screen. After you have read the instructions,
press any number or letter key.
Next you will see a shareware reminder message. If you want to
print a registration form, put a sheet of paper in your printer
and type P<Enter>. If you want to go directly to the puzzles,
just press <Enter>.
Then the PUZZLE SELECTION display will appear. It shows which
puzzles you have attempted and solved. An S means the puzzle
word is SOLVED. An A means the word was ATTEMPTED but not
solved. A dot means the word has not been tried. You can choose a
puzzle word by typing the number and pressing <Enter>.
If you prefer, you can let WORDS*WORDS choose a puzzle word for
you. Just press <Enter> without typing a number. WORDS*WORDS will
choose a puzzle word that has not been selected in the last 30
To guess a word, just type the word and press <Enter>. If your
guess is not in the dictionary, WORDS*WORDS will display a
message on the next line. You can make corrections and press
<Enter> again.
WORDS*WORDS compares your guess word with the puzzle word and
counts the number of common letters. It displays all of your
guesses and the number of matching letters.
To make sure you understand letter match counting, especially
when there are double letters, look at the table below.
..... ..T.. no match
....T ..T.. one match
..TT. ..T.. one match
...T. .TT.. one match
..TT. .TT.. two matches
Double letters are counted as two matches only if they appear in
both the puzzle word and guess word. Position of the letter in
either word is unimportant.
Below the header of the game screen there are three lines in
which you can RECORD results as you work the puzzle.
(1) When you identify a letter of the puzzle word, RECORD the
letter in the "Part of Word" display line by typing the
letter and pressing function key [F7].
(2) When you identify a letter that is NOT part of the puzzle
word, RECORD the letter on the "Eliminated" display line by
typing the letter and pressing [F9].
(3) The first line is the "Letter Pool." These are the letters
not yet identified as included or excluded.
(4) You can move a letter back to the pool by typing the letter
and pressing the [F5] key.
(5) The [F3] key moves all letters back to the pool.
(6) [F4] is a "Whoops" key. It restores the RECORD lines to the
values they had one step previously.
(7) The [F1] key displays a HINT. It shows you one letter of
the puzzle word.
You can get out of WORDS*WORDS any time during play by pressing
the <Esc> key. This will return you to the PUZZLE SELECTION
display. Then you can choose another puzzle or press <Esc> again
to return to DOS.
When you solve the puzzle, WORDS*WORDS displays a quotation or
proverb keyed to the puzzle word. In a few cases it displays a
message explaining why the word was chosen for WORDS*WORDS.
If you don't get the puzzle word in 18 guesses, WORDS*WORDS
displays a message and shows you the puzzle word. Sometimes it is
useful to review your guess strategy at this point.
When you are ready for the next puzzle word, press any key.
WORDS*WORDS will redraw the PUZZLE SELECTION screen.
You must guess 5 letter words. The program will check its
dictionary to be sure they are valid words. Hyphenated words,
abbreviations and contractions are not allowed. Proper nouns such
as names of people and places are allowed. Most trade names are
not allowed.
WORDS*WORDS recognizes certain error conditions and writes error
messages to the screen. You may never see these messages, but in
case you do, they are listed below along with suggested actions.
Cannot create the status file.
The most likely cause for this error is a full disk or a
full catalog. Erase one or two files and see.
NOTEFIL.WW1 file is not correct.
Has file been renamed or contents altered?
The program has detected an error in reading the file.
Restore NOTEFIL.WW1 from your backup copy.
ERROR. Cannot find WORDFIL.WW1 file.
WORDS*WORDS checks the current drive and directory for its
support files. The file is not present. You may have to
reset the drive, change the directory or copy files from
backup disk.
ERROR. Cannot open NOTEFIL.WW1 file.
WORDS*WORDS checks the current drive and directory for its
support files. The file is not present. You may have to
reset the drive, change the directory or copy files from
backup disk.
ERROR in reading the NOTEFIL.WW1 file
The file is present on the disk, but WORDS*WORDS finds
something wrong in the file. Restore the file from backup.
Error in reading STFILE.WW1, the status file.
Error in writing to STFILE.WW1, the status file.
Erase the file. WORDS*WORDS will create a new file when you
run it again.
ERROR in reading the WORDFIL.WW1 file
The file is present on the disk, but WORDS*WORDS finds
something wrong in the file. Restore the file from backup.
Not a valid word. Please try again.
Your guess word is not in the dictionary. Check spelling.
Try again. This does not count as a guess.
Too many letters for puzzle word. You may reset with [F4].
You used [F7] function key to post too many letters to the
"Part of Word" display line. Restore with [F4] and post
letters again.
WORDS*WORDS abnormal termination.
The program has terminated operation and returned control to
DOS. You may now take steps to correct the error condition.
Walter Blanchard
P.O. BOX 1650